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HomeEvents Big Lake to Lake Cavanaugh-JUNE 3- 12-14 MPH STEADY- 38 MILES

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Only 3 Spot(s) Left
Big Lake to Lake Cavanaugh-JUNE 3- 12-14 MPH STEADY- 38 MILES

About this event

This ride begins at the large unpaved parking lot across the street from the Big Lake Grocery.

Please be at the start and ready to ride by 10:00 am when we'll have our pre-ride briefing. if you miss this briefing, you will not be able to ride with the group.

There are no restrooms at the start. However, we will be passing a public boat launch with a restroom 2 miles from the start.

There are no public water sources once we leave Big Lake. So, have plenty of hydration on your bike or bring a water purifier/filtration device to use at the creeks we pass.

This a ride up to and around a beautiful alpine mountain lake. You can expect a good workout for your hill-climbing skills and condition, as you can see from the RWGPS profile. You need to be in shape for this ride or have an e-bike. The grades are generally not steep, just long.

Why you could/should do these rides:

You have been doing some training and can handle 38 miles and 2300 feet of climbing.
You are seeking a scenic, low-traffic ride out in the country.
You think that you are either 1) in pretty good hill shape and would like to test that, or 2) have an e-bike.
Maybe you are planning on doing STP, RSVP, RAW, or other multi-day rides. This is great prep for those.
Riders may sometimes either fall behind or shoot ahead on hills. Nevertheless, riders will be expected to re-group after their "break away" or "fall behind."
You must pre-register no later than 8 am on the morning of the ride, by clicking the "Register Now" button. Please un-register if you decide not to attend in order to free space for another rider.

Bring a spare tube and tools to fix a flat, just in case. Please have full fenders if the roads are wet, or you may be asked to ride at the rear of the group.

Lawrence F. Baum
38 miles
Elevation Gain:
2,300 feet
Steady: [12-14mph]
Weather Cancellation:
Ice/snow cancels

Date and Time

Saturday, June 03, 2023, 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Big Lake Grocery
16818 Lakeview Blvd
Mount Vernon, WA  98274

Event Contact(s)

Lawrence Baum
(425) 314-9824 (p)



Registration Info

Registration is required


5 Total Slots
3 Available Slot(s)