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SBC Member RIDER ALERT Quick Notice

Help Needed!
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Hi All!

The Punch Line

I need four volunteers from 3 pm to 5 pm on May 10 to help with Spring Classic cleanup.

The Story

I'm organizing SAG support for the Spring Classic. In the past, each SAG driver, at the end of the day, would drive the various routes to retrieve the caution signs that alert drivers of the presence of cyclists in the area. Given that the SAG drivers will have been working since 6:30 am, this results in a very long and tiring day.

I'm trying to spread the load a bit by recruiting volunteers to drive the course at the end of the day, retrieve the signs, and return them to the starting station at Bayview Elementary School. The job is done most easily by teams of two, where one person drives from point to point while the other hops out of the vehicle and retrieves the signs.

No tools or special skills are required to do this job. Each team will be given location information for the signs to make it easy to determine where they are.

If you can crack loose with this bit of time to help me out, I'd really appreciate it.

Mark Proulx

(206) 406-0101

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