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Tues.Social Ride 11AM NEW START TIME
About this event
Today's route: Edison Alger Casino cw loop 24 mi, 798 ft
copy and paste this address into your browser for download to phone &/or computer:
More info coming via Rider Alert email a few days before the ride day.
Please sign up for this ride online. We are required to have a Waiver of Liability for each rider on our club rides. Signing up online will bring you to the Wavier of Liability form. Follow the prompts and presto, you’re legal and we don’t get haranguing letters from our insurance provider. Win win.
If after a ride or two, you like what you’ve experienced, please join the club to continue riding with us. At $30/yr, it’s very good value for money. Included is all the fresh air you can breathe:)
Details for each week’s ride will be sent out via Rider Quick Alert a few days before the ride.
Registration Info
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