Hello SBC members interested in Bicycle Touring
We are pleased to see John Triggiani post a "Tour to the Coast 2018" thread to members....and Whit Whitford, Forum Moderator, to reply.
Skagit Bicycle Club has added two functions to our website to enhance members communication of cycling interests and SBC committees and work groups to communicate activities and ideas.
We anticipate this to be one of many new communication functions that will be implemented in the near future. We hope you will consider participating in these two additions:
1) MEMBER INTERESTS- These are cycling interest categories members optionally select to direct SBC website communications based on members selected interest(s). PLEASE SELECT YOUR INTERESTS from the SBC website.
—(Click) Member Login- Select: PROFILE…. Website…..Member Interests
-MENU (Green Box on left with HOME as first item) — MEMBER INTERESTS
-Select desired Forums from the (4) major categories and
(click) “SIGN ME UP”
2) INTEREST DISCUSSION FORUM-Forums facilitate a variety of different “discussion threads” (topics) within the Forums Interest category. SBC members are automatically enrolled in the corresponding INTEREST DISCUSSION FORUM when the member selects desired MEMBER INTEREST(s).
Each MEMBER INTEREST and FORUM have an assigned co-ordinator / moderator. The moderator/co-ordinator is to provide guidance and direction for the Forum, and communicate ideas to the SBC Board for support.
We have taken the initiative to select Whit Whitford as an initial moderator and added a few SBC members to participate in this initial Forum “roll out” .
As moderator and participants, your activity could begin by:
1) Start communicating with current members in the areas of your interest (perhaps the Bike Map)
Thank You for your consideration, and partipation. Please reply to this forum message (which includes me) and we can communicate on your interest and questions.
Steve Jahn- SBC- Website - Interests and Forums