WE NEED YOU AS A VOLUNTEER! Everyone welcome. Many hands make this event a fun social activity that is completed in about 1 1/2 hrs. REGISTER AS A VOLUNTEER FOR THIS EVENT LIKE A BIKE RIDE.
MEET AT 9 AM @ Hwy 20 exit on East side of Berentson Bridge to Twin Bridges / TOM & JERRY'S Marina on 11275 JOSH GREEN LANE,MOUNT VERNON, WA 98273
As an incentive and reward, there will be post-sweep snacks and drinks. Bring a lawn chair if you want to relax and “sit and be comfortable” while socializing afterward.
As always, you are welcome to bring a favorite broom or flat-blade shovel. However, SBC has a good number that will be provided. Work gloves are always a good idea.
However, these are items we GREATLY NEED from a few volunteers:-Wheelbarrows - 6 total; -Powerful Leaf Blowers- 2 total; -Weed eater - 1 total If you can provide any of these items, contact: Craig or Jacqui Illman 206-579-6247, 425-445-7443 cillman52@gmail.com jkarma04@hotmail.com
Thank You Craig & Jacqui Illman
WSDOT Video: https://youtu.be/eBxIh67-l74?si=2-63FmC73vvr6EFj